Thursday, March 6, 2025

Review of Not the End of the World: How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet by Hannah Ritchie

This book review was written by Eugene Kernes   

Book can be found in: 
Genre = Science
Book Club Event = Book List (04/26/2025)

Watch Short Review


“A lot of the controversy about these definitions is because we assume there is an unavoidable trade-off between the first and second half.  It’s human well-being or environmental protection.  That means one must be prioritized over the other, and for ‘sustainability’ it’s the environment that wins.  This trade-off existed in the past.  But the central argument throughout this book is that this conflict does not have to exist in our future.  There are ways to achieve both at the same time, which means there should increasingly be less conflict between the definitions.  So, if you still want to adopt an environment-only definition, then think of human flourishing as a nice add-on.” – Hannah Ritchie, Chapter 1: Sustainability: A tale of two halves, Page 25


“Environmental action is often framed as at odds with the economy.  It’s either climate action or economic growth.  Pollution versus the market.  This is just wrong.  Countries have slashed air pollution while growing their economies at the same time.  Lower pollution, better health and a stronger economy?  That sounds like the perfect sales pitch to me.” – Hannah Ritchie, Chapter 2: Air Pollution: Breathing clean air, Page 51


“The other big change is that moving to a low-carbon, sustainable economy is not seen as the sacrifice it used to be.  Fossil fuels were far cheaper than renewables.  Electric vehicles cost a fortune.  But now low-carbon technologies are becoming cost-competitive.  It now makes financial sense to take the climate-friendly path.” – Hannah Ritchie, Chapter 3: Climate Change: Turning down the thermostat, Page 66


Is This An Overview?

The problem with doomsday environmental narratives is that they can paralyze decision making efforts to solve the crises, and reduce public trust when the claims turn out to be wrong.  Doomsday claims contain a lot of misinformation, which enable policies that appear to be environmentally sustainable but are harming the environment.


Through human efforts in obtaining environmentally sustainable knowledge, people have changed practices of production and developed technology that can enable humanity to achieve sustainability in the 21st century.  Achieving sustainability for the first time in human history, as the world has never before been sustainable.  Throughout history, people either could not satisfy their present needs, or they compromised future needs.  There used to be a sustainability trade-off, a conflict between human well-being and environmental protection as each came at the expense of the other.  But, technology and methods have enabled the ability to achieve both human well-being and environmental protection at the same time.


There used to be a trade-off between cheap energy sources or environmentally sustainable energy sources.  But technology has enabled environmentally sustainable energy sources to become cost-competitive with unsustainable technologies.  Removing the trade-off as the cheap energy sources are the sustainable sources.  Economic policies no longer need to be in conflict with environmental sustainably, as economies can grow while reducing pollution.  Although energy use has increased relative to how much was used before, there is far less pollution than before.  There are many different ways that human society is much better than in the past such as life expectancy, food availability, education, and income opportunities.  But there is still much for humanity to resolve. 



To overcome environmental sustainability misinformation, various metrics are used to show the evidence of certain claims.  The evidence is presented in a way that does not require a statistics background.  As the author references, the focus of the metrics is on environmental sustainability, while societies have various needs for which different metrics would be more appropriate.  

Questions to Consider while Reading the Book

•What is the raison d’etre of the book?  For what purpose did the author write the book?  Why do people read this book?
•What are some limitations of the book?
•To whom would you suggest this book?
•How do doomsday environmental stories effect the science? 
•How did Russia’s invasion of Ukraine effect energy supplies and greenhouse emissions? 
•Has the world ever been sustainable?
•Can the world become sustainable?
•What is sustainability? 
•What is the sustainability trade-off?
•What are the advantages of societies in the 21st century than any previous society?
•What ideas won’t fix sustainability problems? 
•What happened to air pollution?
•What happened to Beijing’s air quality? 
•What happened to Delhi’s air quality?
•How does air pollution effect a society? 
•What happened to the ozone layer?
•What is the environmental Kuznets Curve? 
•What happed to the costs of sustainable technologies? 
•What information makes it into the news? 
•What happened to pollution from energy sources? 
•Which vehicle is more efficient, an electric or petrol vehicle?
•What is the energy usage of urban and rural societies?
•What is the effect of a carbon tax?
•How much oxygen does the Amazon contribute? 
•What happened to French forests? 
•What effect does deforestation have? 
•What is the effect of palm oil? 
•How much land does agriculture take?  
•How many harvests are left? 
•How many people can be fed by the planet?
•What happened to the food supply? 
•What is the effect of eating locally? 
•Is the planet going through an extinction event? 
•What happens to plastics after being use? 
•What effect do plastics have on wildlife? 
•What happened to fish stock? 

Book Details
Edition:                   First ebook edition
Publisher:               Little, Brown Spark [Hachette Book Group]
Edition ISBN:         9780316536950
Pages to read:          246
Publication:             2024
1st Edition:              2024
Format:                    eBook 

Ratings out of 5:
Readability    5
Content          5
Overall          5

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Review of Mostly Harmless by Douglas Adams

This book review was written by Eugene Kernes   

Book can be found in: 
Book Club Event = Book List (09/13/2025)

Watch Short Review


“The history of the Galaxy has got a little muddled, for a number of reasons: partly because those who are trying to keep track of it have got a little muddled, but also because some very muddling things have been happening anyway.  One of the problems has to do with the speed of light and the difficulties involved in trying to exceed it.  You Can’t.  Nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws.” – Douglas Adams, Chapter 1, Page 635


“He would never have discovered it if he hadn’t been busy engineering a mental block himself.  He came across a whole slew of smooth and plausible denial procedures and diversionary subroutines exactly where he had been planning to install his own.  The computer denied all knowledge of them, of course, then blankly refused to accept that there was anything even to deny knowledge of and was generally so convincing that even Ford almost found himself thinking he must have made a mistake.” – Douglas Adams, Chapter 8, Page 690


“”You come to me for advice, but you can’t cope with anything you don’t recognize.  Hmmm.  So we’ll have to tell you something you already know but make it sound like news, eh?  Well, business as usual, I suppose.”  He sighed and squinted mournfully into the distance.” – Douglas Adams, Chapter 11, Page 703


Is This An Overview?

Arthur has already had misadventures in hitchhiking across space, and across time.  This misadventure has Arthur hitchhiking across parallel universes.  Which take from Arthur all that Arthur wanted, the Earth and the person Arthur loved.  At a loss for a life, Arthur hitchhiked to a planet whose inhabitants provide wisdom.  Wisdom that Arthur ignores.  After disapproving a version of an Earth, Arthur becomes a professional hitchhiker, only to crash and become stranded on a planet.  At least Arthur meets Arthur’s daughter.  Not that Arthur knew that Arthur had a daughter.


While Arthur is dealing with the loss, and gain, but mostly loss, Ford is stealthily trying to gain access to The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy publishing offices.  The stealth attempt is not going exactly to plan, because the offices are slightly different.  Every time the guide moves, the offices are meant to be reconstructed in the exact same way.  Turns out that the guide has new owners, who Ford does not appreciate.  Ford finds out what the new business plan is for the guide, and immediately understands the danger.  After an escape and theft, Ford hitchhikes to Arthur.  All these events are not improbable, as the events were arranged to make them happen.  



All the events that seem to be random, are actually somehow not random at all.  Some parts of the book seem to be purposely confusing, until a later explanation.  

Questions to Consider while Reading the Book

•What is the raison d’etre of the book?  For what purpose did the author write the book?  Why do people read this book?
•What are some limitations of the book?
•To whom would you suggest this book?
•What happened to history?
•What is MSOGMM?
•What are the different versions of Trillian (Tricia)?
•What is Rupert?
•Why do aliens want to see Tricia?
•What happened to the Grebulon’s and what were they meant to do? 
•What is different about the offices of The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy?
•What is InfiniDim Enterprises? 
•What is the Guide’s new business plan? 
•What is an Ident-I-Eeze?
•What is the planet of NowWhat?
•Who is the president of NowWhat?
•What happened to Fenchurch? 
•Who is Colin?
•How did Ford get into the Guide?
•What is a computer terminal? 
•What could have Ford do to the Guide, and what did Ford actually do?  
•What was on the planet Hawalius? 
•What advice was Arthur given at Hawalius? 
•What defined the universe? 
•What prayer is often forgotten? 
•What happened on Bartledan? 
•How did Arthur survive the crash? 
•Who knew about the crash? 
•What skill does Ford have in dangerous situations? 
•Is there significance to the 13th floor? 
•What power do complete fools have? 
•Who is the Sandwich Maker?
•Who is Random? 
•What are Perfectly Normal Beasts? 
•What were frighting about the Vogons? 
•What are day-care time zones? 
•What did the villagers think about spaceship crashes?  
•To whom was the package the Arthur received sent to?  What did Arthur want to do with the package? 
•How did the crash effect the ecosystem? 
•What is the Guide? 
•What does it mean to have filters on the universe?
•How did Ford get to Arthur? 
•How did Ford and Arthur leave the planet?
•What did Tricia think of the videotape Tricia took of the aliens on Rupert?
•Where did al the hitchhikers arrive at?
•Why did the Vogon come to sector inhabiting Earth?

Book Details
Edition:                   First Ballantine Books Edition
Publisher:               Del Rey [The Random House Publishing Group]
Edition ISBN:         0345453743
Pages to read:          189
Publication:             2002
1st Edition:              1992
Format:                    Paperback

Ratings out of 5:
Readability    5
Content          4
Overall          5

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Review of Young Zaphod Plays It Safe by Douglas Adams

This book review was written by Eugene Kernes   

Book can be found in: 
Book Club Event = Book List (09/13/2025)
Intriguing Connections = 1) Want a Laugh?, 2) Adventures Of The Space Faring Kind

Watch Short Review


“”You’re one hundred percent positive that the ship which is crashed on the bottom of this ocean is the ship which you said you were one hundred percent positive could one hundred percent positively never crash?” said the owner of the two remaining heads.  “Hey,” he put up two of his hands, “I’m only asking”” – Douglas Adams, Page 616


“”So safe that you have to build a zarking fortress ship to take the by-products to the nearest black hole and tip them in!  Only it doesn’t get there because the pilot takes a detour – is this right? – to pick up some lobster…?  OK, so the guy is cool, but… I mean own up, this is barking time, this is major lunch, this is stool approaching critical mass, this is… this is… total vocabulary failure!”” – Douglas Adams, Page 617


“The first shrugged again.  He said, “It doesn’t matter.  He can say what he likes.  No one would believe him.  It’s why we chose to use him rather than do anything official, isn’t it?  The more wild the story he tells, the more it’ll sound like he’s some hippy adventurer making it up.  He can even say that we said this and it’ll make him sound like a paranoid.”  He smiled pleasantly at Zaphod who was seething in his nasty suit.  “You may accompany us,” he told him, “if you wish.”” – Douglas Adams, Page 622


Is This An Overview?

Before Zaphod became President of the Galaxy, Zaphod was part of a salvage operation.  Apparently a spaceship that could not crash, crashed in an ocean trying to obtain the best lobster.  Everything is perfectly secure, perfectly safe aboard the crashed ship that contains various hazards that could harm a planet.  What the group was trying to salvage was something more dangerous.  A by-product, of some sort.  The officials who know the safety procedures, do not care if Zaphod knows what the crashed ship contained, because nobody would believe Zaphod. 



This is a very short story, which adds context to the different improbable events which effected a planet somewhere in the galaxy.

Questions to Consider while Reading the Book

•What is the raison d’etre of the book?  For what purpose did the author write the book?  Why do people read this book?
•What are some limitations of the book?
•To whom would you suggest this book?
•What did the natives of the planet think about the spaceship?
•What was on the crashed ship?
•What was the purpose of the crashed ship?
•Why did the ship crash?
•What was Zaphod Beeblebrox doing during the salvage operation?
•Who were the people from the Safety and Civil Reassurance Administration? 
•What are Aorist rods? 
•What were the officials looking for? 

Book Details
Edition:                   First Ballantine Books Edition
Publisher:               Del Rey [The Random House Publishing Group]
Edition ISBN:         0345453743
Pages to read:          15
Publication:             2002
1st Edition:              1986
Format:                    Paperback

Ratings out of 5:
Readability    5
Content          2
Overall          3

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Review of So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish by Douglas Adams

This book review was written by Eugene Kernes   

Book can be found in: 
Book Club Event = Book List (09/13/2025)
Intriguing Connections = 1) Want a Laugh?, 2) Some Type of Romance

Watch Short Review


“He lay still and quiet.  He absorbed the enveloping darkness, slowly relaxed his limbs from end to end, eased and regulated his breathing, gradually cleared his mind of all thought, closed his eyes, and was completely incapable of getting to sleep.” – Douglas Adams, Chapter 7, Page 505


“He hadn’t realized that life speaks with a voice to you, a voice that brings you answers to the questions you continually ask of it, had never consciously detected it or recognized its tones until it now said something it had never said to him before, which was “yes”” – Douglas Adams, Chapter 18, Page 541


“”Yes but, Arthur, that’s ridiculous.  People think that if you just say ‘hallucinations’ it explains anything you want it to explain and eventually whatever it is you can’t understand will just go away.  It’s just a word, it doesn’t explain anything.  It doesn’t explain why the dolphins disappeared.”” – Douglas Adams, Chapter 20, Page 554


Is This An Overview?

After hitchhiking across the galaxy, Arthur is no longer culturally shocked to what the universe thinks.  Arthur is completely bewildered by the fact that the Earth exists, therefore Arthur does not panic.  Apparently, there was a global hallucination of large yellow spaceships.  There appears to be only one other person, Fenchurch, who knows that the Earth has been destroyed, but those ideas make Fenchurch seem mentally unfit.  As Arthur can validate the ideas, Arthur falls in love, only to lose Fenchurch’s phone number.


While Arthur is not being puzzled by the existence of the Earth, Ford has been waiting for the next edition of The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy to update and remove years of Ford’s work on the Earth entry due to the nonexistence of the planet.  Ford is surprised by the update, as rather than removing the two words about the Earth, find that the entry has expanded.   As Ford is hitchhiking across the galaxy to inform Arthur that Earth exists, Arthur and Fenchurch seek to find what happened to the missing dolphins.  Apparently, the dolphins knew something about Earth. 



This book follows mostly Arthur’s adventures on Earth.  

Questions to Consider while Reading the Book

•What is the raison d’etre of the book?  For what purpose did the author write the book?  Why do people read this book?
•What are some limitations of the book?
•To whom would you suggest this book?
•Who is Rob McKenna?
•How did Ford Prefect want to pay for drinks at the Old Pink Dog Bar?
•How is The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy influence used?
•What did Ford expect to find in the entry for Earth, and what was found?
•Was the Earth destroyed?
•What are the reasons given about Vogons?
•What happened to Arthur’s The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy book?
•Why do the British eat sandwiches on Saturday?
•Who is Fenny, or rather, Fenchurch? 
•What happened every time that Arthur wanted to tell Fenchurch about what happened?
•What happened to the phone number that Fenchurch gave Arthur? 
•What did Arthur try to do to find the location of the cave that Arthur lived while on prehistoric Earth?
•How are hallucinations used?
•What happened to the dolphins?
•What is wrong with Fenchurch? 
•Who is Wonko the Sane?
•How did Ford Prefect arrived on Earth?
•Who did the Robot want to see?
•Why did Fenchurch want to hitchhike across the galaxy?
•What happened to Marvin?
•How old is Marvin?
•What happened to Trillian and Zaphod?
•Who is allows to use the little scooters in the Great Red Plain?
•What was the Message that was sought?

Book Details
Edition:                   First Ballantine Books Edition
Publisher:               Del Rey [The Random House Publishing Group]
Edition ISBN:         0345453743
Pages to read:          143
Publication:             2002
1st Edition:              1985
Format:                    Paperback

Ratings out of 5:
Readability    5
Content          4
Overall          4

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Review of Life, the Universe and Everything by Douglas Adams

This book review was written by Eugene Kernes   

Book can be found in: 
Book Club Event = Book List (09/13/2025)
Intriguing Connections = 1) Want a Laugh?, 2) Adventures Of The Space Faring Kind

Watch Short Review


“”An S.E.P.,” he said, “is something that we can’t see, or don’t see, or our brain doesn’t let us see, because we think that it’s somebody else’s problem.  That’s what S.E.P. means.  Somebody Else’ Problem.  The brain just edits it out; it’s like a blind spot.  If you look at it directly you won’t see it unless you know precisely what it is.  Your only hope is to catch it by surprise out of the corner of your eye”” – Douglas Adams, Chapter 3 , Page 334


“”Get to the ship,” shouted Ford.  “I don’t want to know, just get to the ship.”  He started to run.  “I don’t want to know, I don’t want to see, I don’t want to hear,” he yelled as he ran, “this is not my planet, I didn’t choose to be here, I don’t want to get involved, just get me out of here, and get me to a party with people I can relate to!”” – Douglas Adams, Chapter 3, Page 337


“”My doctor says that I have a malformed public duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fiber,” he muttered to himself, “and that I am therefore excused from saving Universes.”  |  Nevertheless, he stomped up the stairs behind them.” – Douglas Adams, Chapter 4, Page 343


Is This An Overview?

What does Marvin’s leg, the Infinite Improbability Drive, a plastic scepter, an artistic award, and ashes from a trophy have to do with saving the universe?  Slartibartfast will have to tell Arthur that after Arthur finds a way to escape prehistoric Earth.  To help, Arthur would also need to escape a very angry alien, who is angry at Arthur.  Arthur has apparently been innocently and coincidentally murdering the same alien throughout Arthur’s hitchhiking across time and space. 


Arthur seems to be the only one who listens to what Slartibartfast has to say, because the others have their own preoccupations.  At the prospect of the end of the universe, all Ford wants is to spend the last days in bliss.  Zaphod is dealing with the trauma of having fulfilled one’s purpose in life.  Trillian could not stand Zaphod’s behavior, and left to a random location in the galaxy.  Marvin has been going around in circles.  A couch stalks the hitchhikers.  What is the cause of the end of the universe?



The comedy and the characters are consistent with the prior books in the series.  With minor character development.  What the reader thought of the comedy and characters before, is not likely to change.

Questions to Consider while Reading the Book

•What is the raison d’etre of the book?  For what purpose did the author write the book?  Why do people read this book?
•What are some limitations of the book?
•To whom would you suggest this book?
•Would you like to be stranded in time or place?
•Who is Arthur Dent?
•Where has Arthur been stranded?
•Who is Wowbagger and what does Wowbagger do?
•Why go mad?
•Who is Ford Prefect?
•How does it feel to talk to someone after not speaking to anyone for a very long time?
•How to fly?
•What happened to the Golgafrinchans?
•Does listening help with understanding?
•How does Arthur react at the cricket game?
•What is an S.E.P.?
•Who is Slartibartfast?
•What is the Bistromathic Drive?
•Do numbers at a restaurant make sense?
•Who is Marvin?
•Where was Marvin when talking to Zem and what was Marvin doing?
•What is the ancient threat to the universe that Slartibartfast is afraid of?
•What makes up the key to the threat to the universe?
•Who is Trillian?
•Who is Zaphod Beeblebrox?
•What is Zaphod’s problem?
•What does Trillian think of Zaphod?
•What is Krikkit? 
•What happened to the people of Krikkit?
•What happened to the time streams?
•How can someone understand time travel?  
•What are the Campaigners for Real Time?
•Where has Arthur been diverted?
•Who is Agrajag?
•How has lunch effected The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy?
•What is the correlation between obsession and play time of the Brockian Ultra Cricket? 
•What are the features of the longest and most destructive party even held?
•What does ‘Belgium’ mean?
•What is the Ultimate Weapon designed by Hactar?
•Who are the Silastic Armorfiends?
•What is the Wikkit Key?
•How did Zaphod survive the Krikkit robots?
•What do the Krikkit people want?
•Who is Hactar?
•Why did Hactar think the mission was completed?  
•Who is Prak?
•What effect does truth drug have?
•What is the Question to the ultimate Answer?

Book Details
Edition:                   First Ballantine Books Edition
Publisher:               Del Rey [The Random House Publishing Group]
Edition ISBN:         0345453743
Pages to read:          161
Publication:             2002
1st Edition:              1982
Format:                    Paperback

Ratings out of 5:
Readability    5
Content          4
Overall          5