Saturday, August 31, 2024

Review of The Age of Reason: Being an Investigation of True and Fabulous Theology by Thomas Paine

This book review was written by Eugene Kernes   

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“Every national church or religion has established itself by pretending some special mission from God, communicated to certain individuals.  The Jews have their Moses; the Christians their Jesus Christ, their apostles and saints; and the Turks their Mahomet; as if the way to God was not open to every man alike.” – Thomas Paine, Chapter II – of Missions and Revelations, Page 27


“The invention of a purgatory, and of the releasing of souls therefrom, by prayers, bought of the church with money; the selling of pardons, dispensations, and indulgences, are revenue laws, without bearing that name or carrying that appearance.  But the case nevertheless is, that those things derive their origin from the proxsym of the crucifixion, and the theory deduced therefrom, which as, that one person could stand in the place of another, and could perform meritorious services for him.  The probability, therefore, is, that the whole theory or doctrine of what is called the redemption (which is said to have been accomplished by the act of one person in the room of another) was originally fabricated on purpose to bring forward and build all those secondary and pecuniary redemptions upon; and that the passages in the books upon which the idea of redemption if built, have been manufactured and fabricated for that purpose.” – Thomas Paine, Chapter VIII – of the New Testament, Page 51


“It is owing to this long interregnum of science, and to no other cause, that we have now to look back through a vast chasm of many hundred years to the respectable characters we call the Ancients.  Had the progression of knowledge gone on proportionably with the stock that before existed, that chasm would have been filled up with characters rising superior in knowledge to each other; and those Ancients we now so much admire would have appeared respectably in the background of the scene.  But the christian system laid all waste; and if we take our stand about the beginning of the sixteenth century, we look back through that long chasm, to the times of the Ancients, as over a vast sandy desert, in which not a shrub appears to intercept the vision to the fertile hills beyond.” – Thomas Paine, Chapter XII – The Effects of Christianism on Education; Proposed Reforms, Pages 71-72


Is This An Overview?

Religion has value, but has been corrupted by institutions.  Religious institutions are a human invention which creates justifications to persecute those who do not adhere to their claims, and to monopolize power.  Rituals are developed to filter those who accept the religion from those to be persecuted.  Rituals that are meant to be an expression of power. 


Faith is meant to be ubiquitous, but religious institutions have made faith exclusionary.  Certain groups are favored over others, and have select few individuals within the favored group who communicate with their deity. 


For religious institutions, only the ideas from religious texts are accepted.  Other ideas are persecuted.  Persecuting other ideas prevents improving the ideas, making society stagnant.  Religion prevents correcting limitations of ideas, which has led to many contradictions within religious texts. 



Methods of expressing ideas can be antediluvian, which can make the book difficult to read.  The focus of the book are the negative consequences of religion, specifically Christianity.  The author reflects on the contradiction found in the religious claims and their effects on society.  The book is not against religion, but against the institutions of religion.  The author declared oneself to have a faith.  Part of the antagonism for religious institution, is because the author was persecuted by the Church.  

Questions to Consider while Reading the Book

•What is the raison d’etre of the book?  For what purpose did the author write the book?  Why do people read this book?
•What are some limitations of the book?
•To whom would you suggest this book?
•What about religion frustrates the author?
•Is the author religious?
•How have religious institutions corrupted religion? 
•What value does religion have?
•What is the purpose of redemption?
•What effect did religion have on science?
•Who is favored by a religion?
•Who can speak to a deity?

Book Details
Editor Author:   Moncure Daniel Conway
Publisher:               Green World Classics
Edition ISBN:         9789897784101
Pages to read:          186
Publication:             2020
1st Edition:              1794
Format:                    eBook 

Ratings out of 5:
Readability    3
Content          1
Overall          1