Thursday, August 15, 2024

Review of How America Works... and Why it Doesn't: A Brief Guide to the US Political System by William Cooper

This book review was written by Eugene Kernes   

This book was provided by the author

Book can be found in: 
Genre = Politics
Book Club Event = Book List (01/18/2025)
Intriguing Connections = 1) To Cooperate Or To Defect?

Watch Short Review


“Drawing on the stark lessons of human history and the Enlightenment’s teachings, the founders’ principal (and overlapping) aims for the Constitution were threefold.  The first was to create a representative democracy that gave the American people (narrowly defined) a stake in their own government.  The second aim was to prevent the concentration of government power in too few hands.  And the third was to accept and harness the realities of human nature in a system that would last.” – William Cooper, Chapter 4: Constitutional Principles, Page 33


“With federalism, drawing the right lines can be hard, as two contrasting considerations are often at odds.  Giving states too much autonomy leaves local minorities vulnerable to abuse.  If the federal government doesn’t step in to protect them, no one will.  Yet giving the federal government too much authority diminishes the vital role local officials should play in formulating policy.  Far-away officials ignorant of the facts on the ground shouldn’t dictate the affairs of local communities.” – William Cooper, Chapter 4: Constitutional Principles, Page 53


“Humans lived in tribes for most of our history.  The bonds of tribalism are thus deeply hardwired into the human psyche.  Tribalism makes us loyal to and biased in favor of fellow members of our own tribe.  In the process, it distorts our thinking, overriding facts and data.  And it makes us biased against outsiders who we dislike and perceive to be a threat.” – William Cooper, Chapter 6: Tribalism, Social Media, and Political Structure, Page 93

Excerpts with permission from the author


Is This An Overview?

The American Constitution has mixed qualities, but has enabled an effective architecture for governance.  Meant to make sure that the people have ownership in the government, to prevent concentration of power, and accept the complexity of human behavior.  A democracy that is meant to prevent the concentration of power by spreading power and authority to the people broadly.  Meant to enable a peaceful transfer of power based on elections.  A federalist system in which state and federal governments counterbalance each other.  Protection of free speech that protects human freedom by enabling negotiation through sharing different views rather than through violence. 


But there are problems within the America political system that prevent effective governance.  Three problems are tribalism, social media, and the political systems’ structure.  Wanting to belong is normal for people, but tribalism effects how people process information.  Tribalism distorts thinking, and oversimplifies information.  Tribalism enables various cognitive biases that distort information in favor of one’s own political party and against the opposition.  Social media amplifies the cognitive vulnerabilities and intensifies tribal prejudice.  Social media uses tribal biases to find reaffirming views, without enough verification of the information. 


The American two-party political system polarizes the tribes, which enables a destructive rivalry.  A rivalry that has criminalized politics as each party mutually recriminates the legal actions against the other party with more force.  Rather than encourage bipartisan efforts to uncover the truth when there are major accusations and enable an appropriate prosecution of politicians, the criminalization of politics has negative consequences.  Consequences such as that the ideas become prosecuted no matter the guilt or innocence of a person, takes energy away from governing effectively to use towards hatred of political rivals, and deters talented people from politics.  



The book was written in a neutral manner to be acceptable by the different political parties, but infrequently the author’s biases become salient.  Infrequently utilizing the same tribal biases.  Knowledge of the biases does not prevent the biases. 


The political system is complex, that makes finding resolutions difficult.  There is little on ways to resolve the problems that the American political system is facing.  Some resolutions have mixed qualities, such as having more political parties to reduce the destructive tribal competition for power.  

Questions to Consider while Reading the Book

•What is the raison d’etre of the book?  For what purpose did the author write the book?  Why do people read this book?
•What are some limitations of the book?
•To whom would you suggest this book?
•What features of American politics to work or have worked?
•What causes American politics to fail? 
•What is tribalism and how does it affect the U.S.A.?
•How does tribalism effect cognition? 
•How does social media effect politics? 
•What is the American political structure? 
•What threats does American politics face? 
•How has politics been criminalized? 
•Do people respect the voting system?
•How have Americans become untethered from reality and traditions? 
•How should power be dispersed or centralized? 
•What is the a effect of a concentration of power?
•What is the connection between individual freedom, government by consent, and majoritarian rule?  
•What effect did the Articles of Confederation have?
•What are the articles in the Constitution? 
•What are some constitutional abominations?
•What is the Three-Fifths Clause? 
•How do gun ownership laws effect society? 
•What are the Constitutional founding principles? 
•Is America a direct democracy? 
•How does politics effect Supreme Court justice? 
•How is impeachment being used?
•How is checks and balances being used? 
•What is federalism? 
•Should process of outcomes be the focus of political systems?
•What is the effect of free speech? 
•What institutions began restricting free speech? 
•How can party politics become despotic? 
•What is capitalism? 
•What is the narrative fallacy?
•What is the availability bias?
•What is confirmation bias?
•What as the birther question?
•What are the forms of gerrymandering? 
•Are people loyal to a philosophy or a tribe? 
•How does political leaders’ behavior effect other people’s behavior? 
•How does inequality effect politics? 

Book Details
Publisher:               Gemini Adult Books [Gemini Books Group]
Edition ISBN:         9781802472066
Pages to read:          196
Publication:             2024
1st Edition:              2024
Format:                    Paperback 

Ratings out of 5:
Readability    5
Content          5
Overall          5