Saturday, January 25, 2025

Review of Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown

This book review was written by Eugene Kernes   

Book can be found in: 
Book Club Event = Book List (03/29/2025)

Watch Short Review


“Essentialism is not about how to get more things done; it’s about how to get the right things done.  It doesn’t mean just doing less for the sake of less either.  It is about making the wisest possible investment of your time and energy in order to operate at our highest point of contribution by doing only what is essential.” – Greg McKeown, Chapter 1: The Essentialist, Pages 13-14


“When we forget our ability to choose, we learn to be helpless.  Drip by drip we allow our power to be taken away until we end up becoming a function of other people’s choices – or even a function of our own past choices.  In turn, we surrender our power to choose.  That is the path of the Nonessentialist.” – Greg McKeown, Chapter 2: Choose, Page 38


“If you believe being overly busy and overextended is evidence of productivity, then you probably believe that creating space to explore, think, and reflect should be kept to a minimum.  Yet these activities are the antidote to the nonessential busyness that infects so many of us.  Rather than trivial diversions, they are critical to distinguishing what is actually a trivial diversion from what is truly essential.” – Greg McKeown, Part II: Explore, Page 55


Is This An Overview?

People have limited time and energy to accomplish what they want.  Individuals have to make trade-offs based on what they want to accomplish.  Those who try to accomplish everything, are dividing their attention, time, and energy across different activities, which leads to worse performance.  The basic value proposition of essentialism, is for individuals to stop trying to do everything, which enables individuals to focus on where their efforts can contribute most. 


Essentialists focus on doing few activities with high quality outcomes, rather than attempting many activities with low quality outcomes.  Essentialism focuses the individual on the appropriate activities, to make worthwhile trade-offs, not a justification to just do less activities.  What essentialists do is explore and evaluate what an opportunity is worth, eliminate the nonessential and trivial, and then design behaviors and habits to implement the intended activities.  Essentialists use the power of gracefully saying no to an activity, to prevent being distracted from what is essential. 



The ideas of the book are based on economics, that people have limited resources which cause people to make trade-offs on how they are used.  The ideas in the book are based on assumptions which economics has gone beyond, which can also create a contradiction.  In an effort to remove the trivial, the essentialist can make decisions using the claim ‘if it isn’t a clear yes, then it’s a clear no.’  Removing the trivial requires perfection, which means spending more limited time and energy on the potentially nonessential.  Economic ideas which contained methods of perfection, have transitioned into satisficing, a more realistic decision making framework. 


This book created a narrative fallacy for essentialism.  The examples and ideas that are used to support essentialism express how individuals can benefit from them.  What are not included are the examples of how essentialism can harm society.  How essentialism can harm society can be thought of as nonessential to this book.  Leadership is often the source for the direction of a group, but leadership can create strategic ignorance, to prevent information from reaching them.  Information for which the leaders would be liable for, as that could harm the leader’s ability to provide direction.  Preventing leadership from taking accountability, which would be nonessential.  For the author, it's essential to have time to discover and reflect on what decisions are essential.  But if leadership already took time to discover the priority of activities, then any alternative views can be considered as nonessential as those views would be wasting resources and time.  The methods used to decline the nonessential views, can be very ungraceful.

Questions to Consider while Reading the Book

•What is the raison d’etre of the book?  For what purpose did the author write the book?  Why do people read this book?
•What are some limitations of the book?
•To whom would you suggest this book?
•What is essentialism?
•What aspects make a nonessentialist? 
•Why do people feel the need to do everything? 
•What is the paradox of success?
•What is decision fatigue? 
•How do essentialists make decisions? 
•How do nonessentialists choose? 
•Is being busy the same as being productive? 
•How can play effect decisions?
•What is the effect of sleep?
•What is the power of no?
•What is the sunk-cost bias?
•What are Positive Tickets? 
•How to use the past? 

Book Details
Publisher:               Currency [Penguin Random House]
Edition ISBN:         9780804137393
Pages to read:          204
Publication:             2020
1st Edition:              2014
Format:                    eBook 

Ratings out of 5:
Readability    5
Content          4
Overall           3