Contact and Requests

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If you appreciate the reviews and intriguing connections, you can support the blog and affiliated works by contributing.  It would help a lot.  You can contribute money via Zelle, PayPal, or Venmo, sending the money to 

For Readers: 
Are you are looking for book suggestions?  Let me know what kind of genre and book preference and I can help you find a book that you might like.  As our tastes are different and I have read a limited amount of books, the suggestion may not be perfect, but they will help.

For Publishers and Authors:
Would you like me to review your book?  The reviews will be showcase the content of the book.  The book can also be added to the book club reading list.  

Contact Info


Facebook (Group) - Inquiry From An Anti-Library
Twitter                   - @inquiry_library
Reddit                    - Inquiry_Anti-Library

Book Club:
Meetup                   - Inquiry: Book Club for Inquiring Minds
Goodreads              - Inquiry: Book Club for Inquiring Minds (Link to video conference via Meetup)
The Story Graph    - Inquiry: Book Club for Inquiring Minds 

Reviews Appear in:
Goodreads              - Eugene Kernes
The Story Graph     - inquiry_from_an_anti_library

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Instagram               -
TikTok                   - inquiryfromanantilibrary
YouTube                 - Inquiry From An Anti-Library

LinkedIn                 - Eugene Kernes 

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